This is the C++ core of ParseLib framework
The ParseLib interfaces expose a lot of functionalities, among them
Doxygen doc
You can use doxygen’s doxywizard or CLI to generate parselib’s documentation.
All functions mentioned later and more are wrapped in a utility class (pl::ParseSession
Reading a grammar and parsing a source code then becomes trivial :
#include <parselib/parselibinstance.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
namespace pl = parselib;
int main(int argc, char** argv){
// define a parselib session
pl::ParseSession parsesession ;
bool verbose = true ;
// load a grammar from a raw text file++
parsesession.loadGrammar("data/grammar.grm", verbose) ;
// parse some source code if parsable
// return type is boost::property_tree::ptree
auto out = parsesession.process_source_to_ptree("data/", verbose) ;
return 0 ;
Recursive File Glober
This object can be used to glob recursively files and filter them by file extension.
#include <parselib/utils/io.hpp>
// setup fileGlober
parselib::utils::FileGlober fileglober ("foo/bar", "java") ;
// recursively globs all java files in foo/bar (relative path accepted)
auto files = fileglober.glob() ;
// type is parselib::utils::FileGlober::FilesList or std::vector<std::string>
This can mainly be useful to setup an engine for recursively exploring files to parse.
Under the hood (Pipeline)
Graph encoder for generic textual CFG
This encode a text written context-free grammar (CFG) in a graph data-structure handled by the appropriate component, implemented Parsers mainly.
//import important stuff
#include <parselib/parselibinstance.hpp>
using namespace parselib ;
Grammar load(std::string filename) {
//define preprocessor to use
utils::OnePassPreprocessor *preproc = new utils::OnePassPreprocessor() ;
parsers::GenericGrammarParser ggp (preproc) ; //define the parser
auto grammar = ggp.parse (filename, verbose) ; //..and parse
std::cout << grammar ; //it is printable
return grammar;
Results on display :
RULE S = [
TOKEN a = regex('a')
TOKEN b = regex('b')
Operators for grammar transformation
to 2NF[1]
- TERM : creates production rule pointing to a specific terminal for each terminal in a production rule
- BIN : binarize all rules
Note : START operator is forced by the language by the AXIOM keyword
parselib::normoperators::get2nf(grammar) ;
Result on display :
RULE S = [
RULE S-b = [
RULE a. = [
RULE b. = [
TOKEN a = regex('a')
TOKEN b = regex('b')
CYK parsers for grammars in 2NF[1]
//import the good stuff
#include <parselib/parselibinstance.hpp>
using namespace parselib;
Frame parse_file_into_frame (Grammar grammar, std::string filename) {
parsers::CYK parser (grammar) ; //instantiate parser
std::string source = utils::gettextfilecontent(filename) ; //load source from text file
//tokenize source code
lexer::Lexer tokenizer (grammar.tokens) ;
tokenizer.tokenize (source) ;
//result is in a Frame which is a polite term to say std::vector<parselib::parsetree::Node*>
//containing all accepted solutions/parse trees
//we generally use the first one
Frame result = parser.membership (tokenizer.tokens) ;
return result;
The parser supports basic error handling. If membership
fails, the returned frame contains a the token most suspected of breaking parsing, otherwise it contains a list of accepted parse trees.
This is all handled transparently in the ParseSession
Full workflow :
The full workflow for parselib parser generator can be something like this:
void full_work_flow (std::string t_grammar_filename, std::string t_source_filename) {
using namespace parselib
//define preprocessor to use
utils::OnePassPreprocessor *preproc = new utils::OnePassPreprocessor() ;
parsers::GenericGrammarParser ggp (preproc) ; //define the grammar parser
auto grammar = ggp.parse (t_grammar_filename, verbose) ; //..and parse
delete preproc; // delete preprocessor, not needed anymore
parsers::CYK parser (grammar) ; //instantiate CYK parser
std::string source = utils::gettextfilecontent(t_source_filename) ; //load source from text file
//tokenize source code
lexer::Lexer tokenizer (grammar.tokens) ;
tokenizer.tokenize (source) ;
//result is in a Frame which is a polite term to say std::vector<parselib::parsetree::Node*>
//containing all accepted solutions/parse trees
//we generally use the first one
Frame result = parser.membership (tokenizer.tokens) ;
A complete example with error handling and parsing to json can be found in parselibinstance.h/cpp file in process_source_to_ptree
References :
[1] Lange, Martin; Leiß, Hans (2009). “To CNF or not to CNF? An Efficient Yet Presentable Version of the CYK Algorithm”.